Color Palette of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018).
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#212212 | 33 34 18 | 63.75 47.06 13.33 | 63.75 30.77 10.2 | |
#1767A6 | 23 103 166 | 206.43 86.14 65.1 | 206.43 75.66 37.06 | |
#213F95 | 33 63 149 | 224.48 77.85 58.43 | 224.48 63.74 35.69 | |
#0D3F70 | 13 63 112 | 209.7 88.39 43.92 | 209.7 79.2 24.51 | |
#021A32 | 2 26 50 | 210 96 19.61 | 210 92.31 10.2 | |
#030B56 | 3 11 86 | 234.22 96.51 33.73 | 234.22 93.26 17.45 | |
#3F1636 | 63 22 54 | 313.17 65.08 24.71 | 313.17 48.24 16.67 | |
#0E0108 | 14 1 8 | 327.69 92.86 5.49 | 327.69 86.67 2.94 |
- Title: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
- Year: 2018
- Director: Bob PersichettiPeter RamseyRodney Rothman
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.