Color Palette of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018).
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#9A5F57 | 154 95 87 | 7.16 43.51 60.39 | 7.16 27.8 47.25 | |
#390000 | 57 0 0 | 0 100 22.35 | 0 100 11.18 | |
#BDAD9D | 189 173 157 | 30 16.93 74.12 | 30 19.51 67.84 | |
#875E20 | 135 94 32 | 36.12 76.3 52.94 | 36.12 61.68 32.75 | |
#2C4414 | 44 68 20 | 90 70.59 26.67 | 90 54.55 17.25 | |
#728F8D | 114 143 141 | 175.86 20.28 56.08 | 175.86 11.46 50.39 | |
#CB1627 | 203 22 39 | 354.36 89.16 79.61 | 354.36 80.44 44.12 | |
#810716 | 129 7 22 | 352.62 94.57 50.59 | 352.62 89.71 26.67 |
- Title: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
- Year: 2018
- Director: Bob PersichettiPeter RamseyRodney Rothman
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.