Color Palette of Joker (2019), filmed by Lawrence Sher.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#291A13 | 41 26 19 | 19.09 53.66 16.08 | 19.09 36.67 11.76 | |
#5C2F18 | 92 47 24 | 20.29 73.91 36.08 | 20.29 58.62 22.75 | |
#B27340 | 178 115 64 | 26.84 64.04 69.8 | 26.84 47.11 47.45 | |
#C69D65 | 198 157 101 | 34.64 48.99 77.65 | 34.64 45.97 58.63 | |
#90450B | 144 69 11 | 26.17 92.36 56.47 | 26.17 85.81 30.39 | |
#E5EDD5 | 229 237 213 | 80 10.13 92.94 | 80 40 88.24 | |
#E8CE71 | 232 206 113 | 46.89 51.29 90.98 | 46.89 72.12 67.65 | |
#02070A | 2 7 10 | 202.5 80 3.92 | 202.5 66.67 2.35 |
- Title: Joker
- Year: 2019
- Director: Todd Phillips
- Cinematographer: Lawrence Sher
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Joker.