Color Palette of Anna Karenina (2012), filmed by Seamus McGarvey.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#6B5B4B | 107 91 75 | 30 29.91 41.96 | 30 17.58 35.69 | |
#555B3F | 85 91 63 | 72.86 30.77 35.69 | 72.86 18.18 30.2 | |
#72805F | 114 128 95 | 85.45 25.78 50.2 | 85.45 14.8 43.73 | |
#C7D5C4 | 199 213 196 | 109.41 7.98 83.53 | 109.41 16.83 80.2 | |
#699391 | 105 147 145 | 177.14 28.57 57.65 | 177.14 16.67 49.41 | |
#3E636B | 62 99 107 | 190.67 42.06 41.96 | 190.67 26.63 33.14 | |
#0C2A34 | 12 42 52 | 195 76.92 20.39 | 195 62.5 12.55 | |
#050308 | 5 3 8 | 264 62.5 3.14 | 264 45.45 2.16 |
- Title: Anna Karenina
- Year: 2012
- Director: Joe Wright
- Cinematographer: Seamus McGarvey
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Anna Karenina.