Color Palette of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), filmed by Ellen Kuras.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#5D1E15 | 93 30 21 | 7.5 77.42 36.47 | 7.5 63.16 22.35 | |
#2C100D | 44 16 13 | 5.81 70.45 17.25 | 5.81 54.39 11.18 | |
#0C0402 | 12 4 2 | 12 83.33 4.71 | 12 71.43 2.75 | |
#D2CBB9 | 210 203 185 | 43.2 11.9 82.35 | 43.2 21.74 77.45 | |
#89735B | 137 115 91 | 31.3 33.58 53.73 | 31.3 20.18 44.71 | |
#85482B | 133 72 43 | 19.33 67.67 52.16 | 19.33 51.14 34.51 | |
#52402A | 82 64 42 | 33 48.78 32.16 | 33 32.26 24.31 | |
#292613 | 41 38 19 | 51.82 53.66 16.08 | 51.82 36.67 11.76 |
- Title: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Year: 2004
- Director: Michel Gondry
- Cinematographer: Ellen Kuras
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.