Color Palette of Wuthering Heights (2011), filmed by Robbie Ryan.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#6A6057 | 106 96 87 | 28.42 17.92 41.57 | 28.42 9.84 37.84 | |
#4B3B2C | 75 59 44 | 29.03 41.33 29.41 | 29.03 26.05 23.33 | |
#4B4C2C | 75 76 44 | 61.88 42.11 29.8 | 61.88 26.67 23.53 | |
#AEBAAC | 174 186 172 | 111.43 7.53 72.94 | 111.43 9.21 70.2 | |
#6E8281 | 110 130 129 | 177 15.38 50.98 | 177 8.33 47.06 | |
#4C5F65 | 76 95 101 | 194.4 24.75 39.61 | 194.4 14.12 34.71 | |
#232F2F | 35 47 47 | 180 25.53 18.43 | 180 14.63 16.08 | |
#010204 | 1 2 4 | 220 75 1.57 | 220 60 0.98 |
- Title: Wuthering Heights
- Year: 2011
- Director: Andrea Arnold
- Cinematographer: Robbie Ryan
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Wuthering Heights.