Color Palette of Wuthering Heights (2011), filmed by Robbie Ryan.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#1D1A11 | 29 26 17 | 45 41.38 11.37 | 45 26.09 9.02 | |
#A8A48B | 168 164 139 | 51.72 17.26 65.88 | 51.72 14.29 60.2 | |
#7A8678 | 122 134 120 | 111.43 10.45 52.55 | 111.43 5.51 49.8 | |
#576862 | 87 104 98 | 158.82 16.35 40.78 | 158.82 8.9 37.45 | |
#314442 | 49 68 66 | 173.68 27.94 26.67 | 173.68 16.24 22.94 | |
#00191E | 0 25 30 | 190 100 11.76 | 190 100 5.88 | |
#163C53 | 22 60 83 | 202.62 73.49 32.55 | 202.62 58.1 20.59 | |
#00172F | 0 23 47 | 210.64 100 18.43 | 210.64 100 9.22 |
- Title: Wuthering Heights
- Year: 2011
- Director: Andrea Arnold
- Cinematographer: Robbie Ryan
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Wuthering Heights.