Color Palette of The Prestige (2006), filmed by Wally Pfister.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#572524 | 87 37 36 | 1.18 58.62 34.12 | 1.18 41.46 24.12 | |
#7C685F | 124 104 95 | 18.62 23.39 48.63 | 18.62 13.24 42.94 | |
#6D5F3C | 109 95 60 | 42.86 44.95 42.75 | 42.86 28.99 33.14 | |
#5D4636 | 93 70 54 | 24.62 41.94 36.47 | 24.62 26.53 28.82 | |
#2E1D15 | 46 29 21 | 19.2 54.35 18.04 | 19.2 37.31 13.14 | |
#343730 | 52 55 48 | 85.71 12.73 21.57 | 85.71 6.8 20.2 | |
#0E1215 | 14 18 21 | 205.71 33.33 8.24 | 205.71 20 6.86 |
- Title: The Prestige
- Year: 2006
- Director: Sir Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Wally Pfister
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Prestige.