Color Palette of Wuthering Heights (2011), filmed by Robbie Ryan.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#000000 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | |
#8A8C81 | 138 140 129 | 70.91 7.86 54.9 | 70.91 4.56 52.75 | |
#535144 | 83 81 68 | 52 18.07 32.55 | 52 9.93 29.61 | |
#343E1C | 52 62 28 | 77.65 54.84 24.31 | 77.65 37.78 17.65 | |
#0A1E15 | 10 30 21 | 153 66.67 11.76 | 153 50 7.84 | |
#646E6F | 100 110 111 | 185.45 9.91 43.53 | 185.45 5.21 41.37 | |
#303E3F | 48 62 63 | 184 23.81 24.71 | 184 13.51 21.76 |
- Title: Wuthering Heights
- Year: 2011
- Director: Andrea Arnold
- Cinematographer: Robbie Ryan
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Wuthering Heights.