Color Palette of Wuthering Heights (2011), filmed by Robbie Ryan.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#8B827B | 139 130 123 | 26.25 11.51 54.51 | 26.25 6.45 51.37 | |
#230E09 | 35 14 9 | 11.54 74.29 13.73 | 11.54 59.09 8.63 | |
#494836 | 73 72 54 | 56.84 26.03 28.63 | 56.84 14.96 24.9 | |
#282111 | 40 33 17 | 41.74 57.5 15.69 | 41.74 40.35 11.18 | |
#646D5A | 100 109 90 | 88.42 17.43 42.75 | 88.42 9.55 39.02 | |
#0E2024 | 14 32 36 | 190.91 61.11 14.12 | 190.91 44 9.8 | |
#413537 | 65 53 55 | 350 18.46 25.49 | 350 10.17 23.14 | |
#6E5E5F | 110 94 95 | 356.25 14.55 43.14 | 356.25 7.84 40 |
- Title: Wuthering Heights
- Year: 2011
- Director: Andrea Arnold
- Cinematographer: Robbie Ryan
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Wuthering Heights.