Color Palette of Wuthering Heights (2011), filmed by Robbie Ryan.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#372D2B | 55 45 43 | 10 21.82 21.57 | 10 12.24 19.22 | |
#030802 | 3 8 2 | 110 75 3.14 | 110 60 1.96 | |
#4C5B56 | 76 91 86 | 160 16.48 35.69 | 160 8.98 32.75 | |
#2A3531 | 42 53 49 | 158.18 20.75 20.78 | 158.18 11.58 18.63 |
- Title: Wuthering Heights
- Year: 2011
- Director: Andrea Arnold
- Cinematographer: Robbie Ryan
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Wuthering Heights.