Color Palette of A Very Long Engagement (2004), filmed by Bruno Delbonnel.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#BB9743 | 187 151 67 | 42 64.17 73.33 | 42 47.24 49.8 | |
#9B6914 | 155 105 20 | 37.78 87.1 60.78 | 37.78 77.14 34.31 | |
#683E0C | 104 62 12 | 32.61 88.46 40.78 | 32.61 79.31 22.75 | |
#39230B | 57 35 11 | 31.3 80.7 22.35 | 31.3 67.65 13.33 | |
#171308 | 23 19 8 | 44 65.22 9.02 | 44 48.39 6.08 | |
#E2CC81 | 226 204 129 | 46.39 42.92 88.63 | 46.39 62.58 69.61 | |
#8B7E49 | 139 126 73 | 48.18 47.48 54.51 | 48.18 31.13 41.57 | |
#645723 | 100 87 35 | 48 65 39.22 | 48 48.15 26.47 |
- Title: A Very Long Engagement
- Year: 2004
- Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet
- Cinematographer: Bruno Delbonnel
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of A Very Long Engagement.