Color Palette of The Prestige (2006), filmed by Wally Pfister.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#1F1110 | 31 17 16 | 4 48.39 12.16 | 4 31.91 9.22 | |
#C5AA95 | 197 170 149 | 26.25 24.37 77.25 | 26.25 29.27 67.84 | |
#A27F6B | 162 127 107 | 21.82 33.95 63.53 | 21.82 22.82 52.75 | |
#7C593D | 124 89 61 | 26.67 50.81 48.63 | 26.67 34.05 36.27 | |
#443323 | 68 51 35 | 29.09 48.53 26.67 | 29.09 32.04 20.2 | |
#202016 | 32 32 22 | 60 31.25 12.55 | 60 18.52 10.59 | |
#9D9AAD | 157 154 173 | 249.47 10.98 67.84 | 249.47 10.38 64.12 | |
#7A696F | 122 105 111 | 338.82 13.93 47.84 | 338.82 7.49 44.51 |
- Title: The Prestige
- Year: 2006
- Director: Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Wally Pfister
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Prestige.