Color Palette of Slumdog Millionaire (2008), filmed by Anthony Dod Mantle.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#742916 | 116 41 22 | 12.13 81.03 45.49 | 12.13 68.12 27.06 | |
#735940 | 115 89 64 | 29.41 44.35 45.1 | 29.41 28.49 35.1 | |
#483121 | 72 49 33 | 24.62 54.17 28.24 | 24.62 37.14 20.59 | |
#D7D9CC | 215 217 204 | 69.23 5.99 85.1 | 69.23 14.61 82.55 | |
#B6AE89 | 182 174 137 | 49.33 24.73 71.37 | 49.33 23.56 62.55 | |
#556356 | 85 99 86 | 124.29 14.14 38.82 | 124.29 7.61 36.08 | |
#708478 | 112 132 120 | 144 15.15 51.76 | 144 8.2 47.84 | |
#4A8BA7 | 74 139 167 | 198.06 55.69 65.49 | 198.06 38.59 47.25 |
- Title: Slumdog Millionaire
- Year: 2008
- Director: Danny BoyleLoveleen Tandan
- Cinematographer: Anthony Dod Mantle
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Slumdog Millionaire.