Color Palette of Slumdog Millionaire (2008), filmed by Anthony Dod Mantle.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#BCA360 | 188 163 96 | 43.7 48.94 73.73 | 43.7 40.71 55.69 | |
#D1CFC2 | 209 207 194 | 52 7.18 81.96 | 52 14.02 79.02 | |
#E1D29B | 225 210 155 | 47.14 31.11 88.24 | 47.14 53.85 74.51 | |
#8A9076 | 138 144 118 | 73.85 18.06 56.47 | 73.85 10.48 51.37 | |
#917E44 | 145 126 68 | 45.19 53.1 56.86 | 45.19 36.15 41.76 | |
#4A4D3A | 74 77 58 | 69.47 24.68 30.2 | 69.47 14.07 26.47 | |
#66704E | 102 112 78 | 77.65 30.36 43.92 | 77.65 17.89 37.25 | |
#252821 | 37 40 33 | 85.71 17.5 15.69 | 85.71 9.59 14.31 |
- Title: Slumdog Millionaire
- Year: 2008
- Director: Danny BoyleLoveleen Tandan
- Cinematographer: Anthony Dod Mantle
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Slumdog Millionaire.