Color Palette of Children of Men (2006), filmed by Emmanuel Lubezki.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#151714 | 21 23 20 | 100 13.04 9.02 | 100 6.98 8.43 | |
#74724C | 116 114 76 | 57 34.48 45.49 | 57 20.83 37.65 | |
#C2B895 | 194 184 149 | 46.67 23.2 76.08 | 46.67 26.95 67.25 | |
#3D472F | 61 71 47 | 85 33.8 27.84 | 85 20.34 23.14 | |
#9B9160 | 155 145 96 | 49.83 38.06 60.78 | 49.83 23.51 49.22 | |
#113837 | 17 56 55 | 178.46 69.64 21.96 | 178.46 53.42 14.31 | |
#4FA78F | 79 167 143 | 163.64 52.69 65.49 | 163.64 35.77 48.24 | |
#228372 | 34 131 114 | 169.48 74.05 51.37 | 169.48 58.79 32.35 |
- Title: Children of Men
- Year: 2006
- Director: Alfonso CuarĂ³n
- Cinematographer: Emmanuel Lubezki
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Children of Men.