Color Palette of Slumdog Millionaire (2008), filmed by Anthony Dod Mantle.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#3F3432 | 63 52 50 | 9.23 20.63 24.71 | 9.23 11.5 22.16 | |
#DBDCCC | 219 220 204 | 63.75 7.27 86.27 | 63.75 18.6 83.14 | |
#A39A5F | 163 154 95 | 52.06 41.72 63.92 | 52.06 26.98 50.59 | |
#6E6033 | 110 96 51 | 45.76 53.64 43.14 | 45.76 36.65 31.57 | |
#96A48D | 150 164 141 | 96.52 14.02 64.31 | 96.52 11.22 59.8 | |
#69904F | 105 144 79 | 96 45.14 56.47 | 96 29.15 43.73 | |
#4D714B | 77 113 75 | 116.84 33.63 44.31 | 116.84 20.21 36.86 | |
#2A3440 | 42 52 64 | 212.73 34.38 25.1 | 212.73 20.75 20.78 |
- Title: Slumdog Millionaire
- Year: 2008
- Director: Danny BoyleLoveleen Tandan
- Cinematographer: Anthony Dod Mantle
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Slumdog Millionaire.