Color Palette of Slumdog Millionaire (2008), filmed by Anthony Dod Mantle.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#99564D | 153 86 77 | 7.11 49.67 60 | 7.11 33.04 45.1 | |
#642214 | 100 34 20 | 10.5 80 39.22 | 10.5 66.67 23.53 | |
#A79067 | 167 144 103 | 38.44 38.32 65.49 | 38.44 26.67 52.94 | |
#8E6843 | 142 104 67 | 29.6 52.82 55.69 | 29.6 35.89 40.98 | |
#674730 | 103 71 48 | 25.09 53.4 40.39 | 25.09 36.42 29.61 | |
#35211A | 53 33 26 | 15.56 50.94 20.78 | 15.56 34.18 15.49 | |
#C3C4A2 | 195 196 162 | 61.76 17.35 76.86 | 61.76 22.37 70.2 | |
#1C1E1B | 28 30 27 | 100 10 11.76 | 100 5.26 11.18 |
- Title: Slumdog Millionaire
- Year: 2008
- Director: Danny BoyleLoveleen Tandan
- Cinematographer: Anthony Dod Mantle
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Slumdog Millionaire.