Color Palette of Slumdog Millionaire (2008), filmed by Anthony Dod Mantle.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#B18966 | 177 137 102 | 28 42.37 69.41 | 28 32.47 54.71 | |
#6B6451 | 107 100 81 | 43.85 24.3 41.96 | 43.85 13.83 36.86 | |
#7A5037 | 122 80 55 | 22.39 54.92 47.84 | 22.39 37.85 34.71 | |
#3C2A1C | 60 42 28 | 26.25 53.33 23.53 | 26.25 36.36 17.25 | |
#C7C5AE | 199 197 174 | 55.2 12.56 78.04 | 55.2 18.25 73.14 | |
#948D73 | 148 141 115 | 47.27 22.3 58.04 | 47.27 13.36 51.57 | |
#1C1D15 | 28 29 21 | 67.5 27.59 11.37 | 67.5 16 9.8 | |
#3C4147 | 60 65 71 | 212.73 15.49 27.84 | 212.73 8.4 25.69 |
- Title: Slumdog Millionaire
- Year: 2008
- Director: Danny BoyleLoveleen Tandan
- Cinematographer: Anthony Dod Mantle
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Slumdog Millionaire.