Color Palette of Children of Men (2006), filmed by Emmanuel Lubezki.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#DABB8F | 218 187 143 | 35.2 34.4 85.49 | 35.2 50.34 70.78 | |
#A58C63 | 165 140 99 | 37.27 40 64.71 | 37.27 26.83 51.76 | |
#7B7871 | 123 120 113 | 42 8.13 48.24 | 42 4.24 46.27 | |
#7C6030 | 124 96 48 | 37.89 61.29 48.63 | 37.89 44.19 33.73 | |
#3C301A | 60 48 26 | 38.82 56.67 23.53 | 38.82 39.53 16.86 | |
#4E4E44 | 78 78 68 | 60 12.82 30.59 | 60 6.85 28.63 | |
#161712 | 22 23 18 | 72 21.74 9.02 | 72 12.2 8.04 | |
#536569 | 83 101 105 | 190.91 20.95 41.18 | 190.91 11.7 36.86 |
- Title: Children of Men
- Year: 2006
- Director: Alfonso CuarĂ³n
- Cinematographer: Emmanuel Lubezki
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Children of Men.