Color Palette of Gravity (2013), filmed by Emmanuel Lubezki.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#0F1C13 | 15 28 19 | 138.46 46.43 10.98 | 138.46 30.23 8.43 | |
#97C6CC | 151 198 204 | 186.79 25.98 80 | 186.79 34.19 69.61 | |
#759AA2 | 117 154 162 | 190.67 27.78 63.53 | 190.67 19.48 54.71 | |
#4B7979 | 75 121 121 | 180 38.02 47.45 | 180 23.47 38.43 | |
#334748 | 51 71 72 | 182.86 29.17 28.24 | 182.86 17.07 24.12 | |
#2B62A3 | 43 98 163 | 212.5 73.62 63.92 | 212.5 58.25 40.39 | |
#486779 | 72 103 121 | 202.04 40.5 47.45 | 202.04 25.39 37.84 | |
#09346B | 9 52 107 | 213.67 91.59 41.96 | 213.67 84.48 22.75 |
- Title: Gravity
- Year: 2013
- Director: Alfonso CuarĂ³n
- Cinematographer: Emmanuel Lubezki
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Gravity.