Color Palette of Gravity (2013), filmed by Emmanuel Lubezki.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#853C33 | 133 60 51 | 6.59 61.65 52.16 | 6.59 44.57 36.08 | |
#847B42 | 132 123 66 | 51.82 50 51.76 | 51.82 33.33 38.82 | |
#322F0E | 50 47 14 | 55 72 19.61 | 55 56.25 12.55 | |
#050600 | 5 6 0 | 70 100 2.35 | 70 100 1.18 | |
#849B55 | 132 155 85 | 79.71 45.16 60.78 | 79.71 29.17 47.06 | |
#3B581E | 59 88 30 | 90 65.91 34.51 | 90 49.15 23.14 | |
#427F32 | 66 127 50 | 107.53 60.63 49.8 | 107.53 43.5 34.71 | |
#468887 | 70 136 135 | 179.09 48.53 53.33 | 179.09 32.04 40.39 |
- Title: Gravity
- Year: 2013
- Director: Alfonso CuarĂ³n
- Cinematographer: Emmanuel Lubezki
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Gravity.