Color Palette of Gravity (2013), filmed by Emmanuel Lubezki.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#433E2B | 67 62 43 | 47.5 35.82 26.27 | 47.5 21.82 21.57 | |
#030500 | 3 5 0 | 84 100 1.96 | 84 100 0.98 | |
#617864 | 97 120 100 | 127.83 19.17 47.06 | 127.83 10.6 42.55 | |
#237835 | 35 120 53 | 132.71 70.83 47.06 | 132.71 54.84 30.39 | |
#3B5240 | 59 82 64 | 133.04 28.05 32.16 | 133.04 16.31 27.65 | |
#14281D | 20 40 29 | 147 50 15.69 | 147 33.33 11.76 | |
#328B99 | 50 139 153 | 188.16 67.32 60 | 188.16 50.74 39.8 | |
#0B6379 | 11 99 121 | 192 90.91 47.45 | 192 83.33 25.88 |
- Title: Gravity
- Year: 2013
- Director: Alfonso CuarĂ³n
- Cinematographer: Emmanuel Lubezki
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Gravity.