Color Palette of Her (2013), filmed by Hoyte van Hoytema.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#5C261A | 92 38 26 | 10.91 71.74 36.08 | 10.91 55.93 23.14 | |
#290E07 | 41 14 7 | 12.35 82.93 16.08 | 12.35 70.83 9.41 | |
#070101 | 7 1 1 | 0 85.71 2.75 | 0 75 1.57 | |
#CDB18C | 205 177 140 | 34.15 31.71 80.39 | 34.15 39.39 67.65 | |
#92857C | 146 133 124 | 24.55 15.07 57.25 | 24.55 9.17 52.94 | |
#755C48 | 117 92 72 | 26.67 38.46 45.88 | 26.67 23.81 37.06 | |
#3E2C18 | 62 44 24 | 31.58 61.29 24.31 | 31.58 44.19 16.86 | |
#342A32 | 52 42 50 | 312 19.23 20.39 | 312 10.64 18.43 |
- Title: Her
- Year: 2013
- Director: Spike Jonze
- Cinematographer: Hoyte van Hoytema
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Her.