Color Palette of Children of Men (2006), filmed by Emmanuel Lubezki.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#DCCDB8 | 220 205 184 | 35 16.36 86.27 | 35 33.96 79.22 | |
#AC9D86 | 172 157 134 | 36.32 22.09 67.45 | 36.32 18.63 60 | |
#766752 | 118 103 82 | 35 30.51 46.27 | 35 18 39.22 | |
#4E2E21 | 78 46 33 | 17.33 57.69 30.59 | 17.33 40.54 21.76 | |
#3E382A | 62 56 42 | 42 32.26 24.31 | 42 19.23 20.39 | |
#7E8075 | 126 128 117 | 70.91 8.59 50.2 | 70.91 4.49 48.04 | |
#535D55 | 83 93 85 | 132 10.75 36.47 | 132 5.68 34.51 | |
#141615 | 20 22 21 | 150 9.09 8.63 | 150 4.76 8.24 |
- Title: Children of Men
- Year: 2006
- Director: Alfonso CuarĂ³n
- Cinematographer: Emmanuel Lubezki
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Children of Men.