Color Palette of Her (2013), filmed by Hoyte van Hoytema.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#DC9289 | 220 146 137 | 6.51 37.73 86.27 | 6.51 54.25 70 | |
#996557 | 153 101 87 | 12.73 43.14 60 | 12.73 27.5 47.06 | |
#431B11 | 67 27 17 | 12 74.63 26.27 | 12 59.52 16.47 | |
#D19767 | 209 151 103 | 27.17 50.72 81.96 | 27.17 53.54 61.18 | |
#70412F | 112 65 47 | 16.62 58.04 43.92 | 16.62 40.88 31.18 | |
#111B1D | 17 27 29 | 190 41.38 11.37 | 190 26.09 9.02 | |
#38404D | 56 64 77 | 217.14 27.27 30.2 | 217.14 15.79 26.08 | |
#5D5256 | 93 82 86 | 338.18 11.83 36.47 | 338.18 6.29 34.31 |
- Title: Her
- Year: 2013
- Director: Spike Jonze
- Cinematographer: Hoyte van Hoytema
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Her.