Color Palette of Dark (2017), filmed by Nikolaus Summerer.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#3C1408 | 60 20 8 | 13.85 86.67 23.53 | 13.85 76.47 13.33 | |
#E0CEA6 | 224 206 166 | 41.38 25.89 87.84 | 41.38 48.33 76.47 | |
#BA9D75 | 186 157 117 | 34.78 37.1 72.94 | 34.78 33.33 59.41 | |
#A26F44 | 162 111 68 | 27.45 58.02 63.53 | 27.45 40.87 45.1 | |
#78674D | 120 103 77 | 36.28 35.83 47.06 | 36.28 21.83 38.63 | |
#59432B | 89 67 43 | 31.3 51.69 34.9 | 31.3 34.85 25.88 | |
#1E150E | 30 21 14 | 26.25 53.33 11.76 | 26.25 36.36 8.63 |
- Title: Dark
- Year: 2017
- Director: Baran bo Odar
- Cinematographer: Nikolaus Summerer
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Dark.