Color Palette of Dark (2017), filmed by Nikolaus Summerer.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#9A8D6A | 154 141 106 | 43.75 31.17 60.39 | 43.75 19.2 50.98 | |
#55512C | 85 81 44 | 54.15 48.24 33.33 | 54.15 31.78 25.29 | |
#2D230A | 45 35 10 | 42.86 77.78 17.65 | 42.86 63.64 10.78 | |
#816D3B | 129 109 59 | 42.86 54.26 50.59 | 42.86 37.23 36.86 | |
#D3BE87 | 211 190 135 | 43.42 36.02 82.75 | 43.42 46.34 67.84 | |
#233027 | 35 48 39 | 138.46 27.08 18.82 | 138.46 15.66 16.27 | |
#12171D | 18 23 29 | 212.73 37.93 11.37 | 212.73 23.4 9.22 | |
#3D3E43 | 61 62 67 | 230 8.96 26.27 | 230 4.69 25.1 |
- Title: Dark
- Year: 2017
- Director: Baran bo Odar
- Cinematographer: Nikolaus Summerer
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Dark.