Color Palette of Dark (2017), filmed by Nikolaus Summerer.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#69504C | 105 80 76 | 8.28 27.62 41.18 | 8.28 16.02 35.49 | |
#86736C | 134 115 108 | 16.15 19.4 52.55 | 16.15 10.74 47.45 | |
#10110C | 16 17 12 | 72 29.41 6.67 | 72 17.24 5.69 | |
#DCC6B9 | 220 198 185 | 22.29 15.91 86.27 | 22.29 33.33 79.41 | |
#626763 | 98 103 99 | 132 4.85 40.39 | 132 2.49 39.41 | |
#3F4342 | 63 67 66 | 165 5.97 26.27 | 165 3.08 25.49 | |
#3A2427 | 58 36 39 | 351.82 37.93 22.75 | 351.82 23.4 18.43 |
- Title: Dark
- Year: 2017
- Director: Baran bo Odar
- Cinematographer: Nikolaus Summerer
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Dark.