Color Palette of The Lion King (2019), filmed by Caleb Deschanel.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#DBC9BB | 219 201 187 | 26.25 14.61 85.88 | 26.25 30.77 79.61 | |
#AA9D97 | 170 157 151 | 18.95 11.18 66.67 | 18.95 10.05 62.94 | |
#A47946 | 164 121 70 | 32.55 57.32 64.31 | 32.55 40.17 45.88 | |
#746D67 | 116 109 103 | 27.69 11.21 45.49 | 27.69 5.94 42.94 | |
#433C36 | 67 60 54 | 27.69 19.4 26.27 | 27.69 10.74 23.73 | |
#5A4818 | 90 72 24 | 43.64 73.33 35.29 | 43.64 57.89 22.35 | |
#2B2C0C | 43 44 12 | 61.88 72.73 17.25 | 61.88 57.14 10.98 | |
#C4C8D3 | 196 200 211 | 224 7.11 82.75 | 224 14.56 79.8 |
- Title: The Lion King
- Year: 2019
- Director: Jon Favreau
- Cinematographer: Caleb Deschanel
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Lion King.