Color Palette of Skyfall (2012), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#F9E8D4 | 249 232 212 | 32.43 14.86 97.65 | 32.43 75.51 90.39 | |
#B2825A | 178 130 90 | 27.27 49.44 69.8 | 27.27 36.36 52.55 | |
#946142 | 148 97 66 | 22.68 55.41 58.04 | 22.68 38.32 41.96 | |
#5E3B1F | 94 59 31 | 26.67 67.02 36.86 | 26.67 50.4 24.51 | |
#2D1A13 | 45 26 19 | 16.15 57.78 17.65 | 16.15 40.63 12.55 | |
#092346 | 9 35 70 | 214.43 87.14 27.45 | 214.43 77.22 15.49 | |
#606277 | 96 98 119 | 234.78 19.33 46.67 | 234.78 10.7 42.16 | |
#09080D | 9 8 13 | 252 38.46 5.1 | 252 23.81 4.12 |
- Title: Skyfall
- Year: 2012
- Director: Sam Mendes
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Skyfall.