Color Palette of The Lion King (2019), filmed by Caleb Deschanel.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#6C4D31 | 108 77 49 | 28.47 54.63 42.35 | 28.47 37.58 30.78 | |
#595123 | 89 81 35 | 51.11 60.67 34.9 | 51.11 43.55 24.31 | |
#8A7A3F | 138 122 63 | 47.2 54.35 54.12 | 47.2 37.31 39.41 | |
#AF7D4A | 175 125 74 | 30.3 57.71 68.63 | 30.3 40.56 48.82 | |
#B29E63 | 178 158 99 | 44.81 44.38 69.8 | 44.81 33.91 54.31 | |
#FCDDA7 | 252 221 167 | 38.12 33.73 98.82 | 38.12 93.41 82.16 | |
#262431 | 38 36 49 | 249.23 26.53 19.22 | 249.23 15.29 16.67 | |
#EEF7FE | 238 247 254 | 206.25 6.3 99.61 | 206.25 88.89 96.47 |
- Title: The Lion King
- Year: 2019
- Director: Jon Favreau
- Cinematographer: Caleb Deschanel
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Lion King.