Color Palette of The Lion King (2019), filmed by Caleb Deschanel.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#846D67 | 132 109 103 | 12.41 21.97 51.76 | 12.41 12.34 46.08 | |
#F7DD93 | 247 221 147 | 44.4 40.49 96.86 | 44.4 86.21 77.25 | |
#CEA271 | 206 162 113 | 31.61 45.15 80.78 | 31.61 48.69 62.55 | |
#AF9489 | 175 148 137 | 17.37 21.71 68.63 | 17.37 19.19 61.18 | |
#8F6A3D | 143 106 61 | 32.93 57.34 56.08 | 32.93 40.2 40 | |
#5E3F20 | 94 63 32 | 30 65.96 36.86 | 30 49.21 24.71 | |
#1E180C | 30 24 12 | 40 60 11.76 | 40 42.86 8.24 | |
#6A7183 | 106 113 131 | 223.2 19.08 51.37 | 223.2 10.55 46.47 |
- Title: The Lion King
- Year: 2019
- Director: Jon Favreau
- Cinematographer: Caleb Deschanel
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Lion King.