Color Palette of Skyfall (2012), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#781704 | 120 23 4 | 9.83 96.67 47.06 | 9.83 93.55 24.31 | |
#8E6817 | 142 104 23 | 40.84 83.8 55.69 | 40.84 72.12 32.35 | |
#0DA4B9 | 13 164 185 | 187.33 92.97 72.55 | 187.33 86.87 38.82 | |
#0A7FAB | 10 127 171 | 196.4 94.15 67.06 | 196.4 88.95 35.49 | |
#064669 | 6 70 105 | 201.21 94.29 41.18 | 201.21 89.19 21.76 | |
#1F3038 | 31 48 56 | 199.2 44.64 21.96 | 199.2 28.74 17.06 | |
#03142E | 3 20 46 | 216.28 93.48 18.04 | 216.28 87.76 9.61 | |
#0B0B0D | 11 11 13 | 240 15.38 5.1 | 240 8.33 4.71 |
- Title: Skyfall
- Year: 2012
- Director: Sam Mendes
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Skyfall.