Color Palette of The Lion King (2019), filmed by Caleb Deschanel.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#BD8A5B | 189 138 91 | 28.78 51.85 74.12 | 28.78 42.61 54.9 | |
#C0A14F | 192 161 79 | 43.54 58.85 75.29 | 43.54 47.28 53.14 | |
#896849 | 137 104 73 | 29.06 46.72 53.73 | 29.06 30.48 41.18 | |
#5B412A | 91 65 42 | 28.16 53.85 35.69 | 28.16 36.84 26.08 | |
#917F3F | 145 127 63 | 46.83 56.55 56.86 | 46.83 39.42 40.78 | |
#575330 | 87 83 48 | 53.85 44.83 34.12 | 53.85 28.89 26.47 | |
#23251A | 35 37 26 | 70.91 29.73 14.51 | 70.91 17.46 12.35 | |
#272733 | 39 39 51 | 240 23.53 20 | 240 13.33 17.65 |
- Title: The Lion King
- Year: 2019
- Director: Jon Favreau
- Cinematographer: Caleb Deschanel
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Lion King.