Color Palette of Skyfall (2012), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#50D7D1 | 80 215 209 | 177.33 62.79 84.31 | 177.33 62.79 57.84 | |
#10ADBC | 16 173 188 | 185.23 91.49 73.73 | 185.23 84.31 40 | |
#1A8188 | 26 129 136 | 183.82 80.88 53.33 | 183.82 67.9 31.76 | |
#097FA7 | 9 127 167 | 195.19 94.61 65.49 | 195.19 89.77 34.51 | |
#086296 | 8 98 150 | 201.97 94.67 58.82 | 201.97 89.87 30.98 | |
#083860 | 8 56 96 | 207.27 91.67 37.65 | 207.27 84.62 20.39 | |
#00163F | 0 22 63 | 219.05 100 24.71 | 219.05 100 12.35 | |
#041525 | 4 21 37 | 209.09 89.19 14.51 | 209.09 80.49 8.04 |
- Title: Skyfall
- Year: 2012
- Director: Sam Mendes
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Skyfall.