Color Palette of Joker (2019), filmed by Lawrence Sher.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#36311D | 54 49 29 | 48 46.3 21.18 | 48 30.12 16.27 | |
#46533F | 70 83 63 | 99 24.1 32.55 | 99 13.7 28.63 | |
#892F0D | 137 47 13 | 16.45 90.51 53.73 | 16.45 82.67 29.41 | |
#725B0D | 114 91 13 | 46.34 88.6 44.71 | 46.34 79.53 24.9 | |
#5D7659 | 93 118 89 | 111.72 24.58 46.27 | 111.72 14.01 40.59 | |
#C44413 | 196 68 19 | 16.61 90.31 76.86 | 16.61 82.33 42.16 | |
#85A276 | 133 162 118 | 99.55 27.16 63.53 | 99.55 19.13 54.9 | |
#00080A | 0 8 10 | 192 100 3.92 | 192 100 1.96 |
- Title: Joker
- Year: 2019
- Director: Todd Phillips
- Cinematographer: Lawrence Sher
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Joker.