Color Palette of Joker (2019), filmed by Lawrence Sher.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#410B09 | 65 11 9 | 2.14 86.15 25.49 | 2.14 75.68 14.51 | |
#B7672A | 183 103 42 | 25.96 77.05 71.76 | 25.96 62.67 44.12 | |
#8A4D2E | 138 77 46 | 20.22 66.67 54.12 | 20.22 50 36.08 | |
#522B0A | 82 43 10 | 27.5 87.8 32.16 | 27.5 78.26 18.04 | |
#2A1C13 | 42 28 19 | 23.48 54.76 16.47 | 23.48 37.7 11.96 | |
#DBCB9A | 219 203 154 | 45.23 29.68 85.88 | 45.23 47.45 73.14 | |
#E5EED9 | 229 238 217 | 85.71 8.82 93.33 | 85.71 38.18 89.22 | |
#010207 | 1 2 7 | 230 85.71 2.75 | 230 75 1.57 |
- Title: Joker
- Year: 2019
- Director: Todd Phillips
- Cinematographer: Lawrence Sher
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Joker.