Color Palette of Joker (2019), filmed by Lawrence Sher.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#261F19 | 38 31 25 | 27.69 34.21 14.9 | 27.69 20.63 12.35 | |
#2D0909 | 45 9 9 | 0 80 17.65 | 0 66.67 10.59 | |
#5C342C | 92 52 44 | 10 52.17 36.08 | 10 35.29 26.67 | |
#8D5927 | 141 89 39 | 29.41 72.34 55.29 | 29.41 56.67 35.29 | |
#D9B263 | 217 178 99 | 40.17 54.38 85.1 | 40.17 60.82 61.96 | |
#293938 | 41 57 56 | 176.25 28.07 22.35 | 176.25 16.33 19.22 | |
#325C5A | 50 92 90 | 177.14 45.65 36.08 | 177.14 29.58 27.84 | |
#011015 | 1 16 21 | 195 95.24 8.24 | 195 90.91 4.31 |
- Title: Joker
- Year: 2019
- Director: Todd Phillips
- Cinematographer: Lawrence Sher
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Joker.