Color Palette of The Prestige (2006), filmed by Wally Pfister.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#53312F | 83 49 47 | 3.33 43.37 32.55 | 3.33 27.69 25.49 | |
#151410 | 21 20 16 | 48 23.81 8.24 | 48 13.51 7.25 | |
#775B57 | 119 91 87 | 7.5 26.89 46.67 | 7.5 15.53 40.39 | |
#5D4D36 | 93 77 54 | 35.38 41.94 36.47 | 35.38 26.53 28.82 | |
#37392C | 55 57 44 | 69.23 22.81 22.35 | 69.23 12.87 19.8 | |
#AE805C | 174 128 92 | 26.34 47.13 68.24 | 26.34 33.61 52.16 | |
#DEB37E | 222 179 126 | 33.13 43.24 87.06 | 33.13 59.26 68.24 | |
#ECEBB5 | 236 235 181 | 58.91 23.31 92.55 | 58.91 59.14 81.76 |
- Title: The Prestige
- Year: 2006
- Director: Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Wally Pfister
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Prestige.