Color Palette of The Prestige (2006), filmed by Wally Pfister.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#564440 | 86 68 64 | 10.91 25.58 33.73 | 10.91 14.67 29.41 | |
#2F1D19 | 47 29 25 | 10.91 46.81 18.43 | 10.91 30.56 14.12 | |
#485657 | 72 86 87 | 184 17.24 34.12 | 184 9.43 31.18 | |
#657B92 | 101 123 146 | 210.67 30.82 57.25 | 210.67 18.22 48.43 | |
#4B5973 | 75 89 115 | 219 34.78 45.1 | 219 21.05 37.25 | |
#22374A | 34 55 74 | 208.5 54.05 29.02 | 208.5 37.04 21.18 | |
#11111D | 17 17 29 | 240 41.38 11.37 | 240 26.09 9.02 | |
#857276 | 133 114 118 | 347.37 14.29 52.16 | 347.37 7.69 48.43 |
- Title: The Prestige
- Year: 2006
- Director: Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Wally Pfister
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Prestige.