Color Palette of
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#FD9824 | 253 152 36 | 32.07 85.77 99.22 | 32.07 98.19 56.67 | |
#D5701E | 213 112 30 | 26.89 85.92 83.53 | 26.89 75.31 47.65 | |
#E1E6F9 | 225 230 249 | 227.5 9.64 97.65 | 227.5 66.67 92.94 | |
#535B89 | 83 91 137 | 231.11 39.42 53.73 | 231.11 24.55 43.14 | |
#AF8CA0 | 175 140 160 | 325.71 20 68.63 | 325.71 17.95 61.76 | |
#DD7687 | 221 118 135 | 350.1 46.61 86.67 | 350.1 60.23 66.47 | |
#C34A5D | 195 74 93 | 350.58 62.05 76.47 | 350.58 50.21 52.75 | |
#AB181E | 171 24 30 | 357.55 85.96 67.06 | 357.55 75.38 38.24 |
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image.