Color Palette of Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), filmed by Claire Mathon.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#A47B2B | 164 123 43 | 39.67 73.78 64.31 | 39.67 58.45 40.59 | |
#A7581D | 167 88 29 | 25.65 82.63 65.49 | 25.65 70.41 38.43 | |
#796236 | 121 98 54 | 39.4 55.37 47.45 | 39.4 38.29 34.31 | |
#643B0F | 100 59 15 | 31.06 85 39.22 | 31.06 73.91 22.55 | |
#332109 | 51 33 9 | 34.29 82.35 20 | 34.29 70 11.76 | |
#100D04 | 16 13 4 | 45 75 6.27 | 45 60 3.92 | |
#D2BF7D | 210 191 125 | 46.59 40.48 82.35 | 46.59 48.57 65.69 | |
#19232F | 25 35 47 | 212.73 46.81 18.43 | 212.73 30.56 14.12 |
- Title: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
- Year: 2019
- Director: CĂ©line Sciamma
- Cinematographer: Claire Mathon
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Portrait of a Lady on Fire.