Color Palette of Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), filmed by Claire Mathon.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#967A64 | 150 122 100 | 26.4 33.33 58.82 | 26.4 20 49.02 | |
#78553F | 120 85 63 | 23.16 47.5 47.06 | 23.16 31.15 35.88 | |
#51462A | 81 70 42 | 43.08 48.15 31.76 | 43.08 31.71 24.12 | |
#1F160F | 31 22 15 | 26.25 51.61 12.16 | 26.25 34.78 9.02 | |
#C2BD97 | 194 189 151 | 53.02 22.16 76.08 | 53.02 26.06 67.65 | |
#9CC2AD | 156 194 173 | 146.84 19.59 76.08 | 146.84 23.75 68.63 | |
#416867 | 65 104 103 | 178.46 37.5 40.78 | 178.46 23.08 33.14 | |
#273535 | 39 53 53 | 180 26.42 20.78 | 180 15.22 18.04 |
- Title: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
- Year: 2019
- Director: CĂ©line Sciamma
- Cinematographer: Claire Mathon
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Portrait of a Lady on Fire.