Color Palette of Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), filmed by Claire Mathon.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#B8A378 | 184 163 120 | 40.31 34.78 72.16 | 40.31 31.07 59.61 | |
#947B52 | 148 123 82 | 37.27 44.59 58.04 | 37.27 28.7 45.1 | |
#844F2F | 132 79 47 | 22.59 64.39 51.76 | 22.59 47.49 35.1 | |
#5B4C2B | 91 76 43 | 41.25 52.75 35.69 | 41.25 35.82 26.27 | |
#1B1610 | 27 22 16 | 32.73 40.74 10.59 | 32.73 25.58 8.43 | |
#D2D6BB | 210 214 187 | 68.89 12.62 83.92 | 68.89 24.77 78.63 | |
#719589 | 113 149 137 | 160 24.16 58.43 | 160 14.52 51.37 | |
#477670 | 71 118 112 | 172.34 39.83 46.27 | 172.34 24.87 37.06 |
- Title: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
- Year: 2019
- Director: CĂ©line Sciamma
- Cinematographer: Claire Mathon
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Portrait of a Lady on Fire.