Color Palette of Fight Club (1999), filmed by Jeff Cronenweth.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#392821 | 57 40 33 | 17.5 42.11 22.35 | 17.5 26.67 17.65 | |
#756651 | 117 102 81 | 35 30.77 45.88 | 35 18.18 38.82 | |
#42412C | 66 65 44 | 57.27 33.33 25.88 | 57.27 20 21.57 | |
#192018 | 25 32 24 | 112.5 25 12.55 | 112.5 14.29 10.98 | |
#5B633C | 91 99 60 | 72.31 39.39 38.82 | 72.31 24.53 31.18 | |
#819067 | 129 144 103 | 81.95 28.47 56.47 | 81.95 16.6 48.43 | |
#C6A562 | 198 165 98 | 40.2 50.51 77.65 | 40.2 46.73 58.04 | |
#ABBC90 | 171 188 144 | 83.18 23.4 73.73 | 83.18 24.72 65.1 |
- Title: Fight Club
- Year: 1999
- Director: David Fincher
- Cinematographer: Jeff Cronenweth
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Fight Club.