Color Palette of Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), filmed by Claire Mathon.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#6E5453 | 110 84 83 | 2.22 24.55 43.14 | 2.22 13.99 37.84 | |
#8A7A63 | 138 122 99 | 35.38 28.26 54.12 | 35.38 16.46 46.47 | |
#6F582E | 111 88 46 | 38.77 58.56 43.53 | 38.77 41.4 30.78 | |
#653B23 | 101 59 35 | 21.82 65.35 39.61 | 21.82 48.53 26.67 | |
#413319 | 65 51 25 | 39 61.54 25.49 | 39 44.44 17.65 | |
#261408 | 38 20 8 | 24 78.95 14.9 | 24 65.22 9.02 | |
#080903 | 8 9 3 | 70 66.67 3.53 | 70 50 2.35 | |
#303342 | 48 51 66 | 230 27.27 25.88 | 230 15.79 22.35 |
- Title: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
- Year: 2019
- Director: CĂ©line Sciamma
- Cinematographer: Claire Mathon
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Portrait of a Lady on Fire.