Color Palette of Fight Club (1999), filmed by Jeff Cronenweth.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#464936 | 70 73 54 | 69.47 26.03 28.63 | 69.47 14.96 24.9 | |
#0C1615 | 12 22 21 | 174 45.45 8.63 | 174 29.41 6.67 | |
#1B3A3F | 27 58 63 | 188.33 57.14 24.71 | 188.33 40 17.65 | |
#497C7F | 73 124 127 | 183.33 42.52 49.8 | 183.33 27 39.22 | |
#5AABA2 | 90 171 162 | 173.33 47.37 67.06 | 173.33 32.53 51.18 | |
#305F71 | 48 95 113 | 196.62 57.52 44.31 | 196.62 40.37 31.57 | |
#5091AF | 80 145 175 | 198.95 54.29 68.63 | 198.95 37.25 50 | |
#68BACF | 104 186 207 | 192.23 49.76 81.18 | 192.23 51.76 60.98 |
- Title: Fight Club
- Year: 1999
- Director: David Fincher
- Cinematographer: Jeff Cronenweth
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Fight Club.