Color Palette of Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), filmed by Claire Mathon.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#958458 | 149 132 88 | 43.28 40.94 58.43 | 43.28 25.74 46.47 | |
#745F42 | 116 95 66 | 34.8 43.1 45.49 | 34.8 27.47 35.69 | |
#46361F | 70 54 31 | 35.38 55.71 27.45 | 35.38 38.61 19.8 | |
#D9DABA | 217 218 186 | 61.88 14.68 85.49 | 61.88 30.19 79.22 | |
#A3AC97 | 163 172 151 | 85.71 12.21 67.45 | 85.71 11.23 63.33 | |
#738579 | 115 133 121 | 140 13.53 52.16 | 140 7.26 48.63 | |
#53625B | 83 98 91 | 152 15.31 38.43 | 152 8.29 35.49 | |
#16191E | 22 25 30 | 217.5 26.67 11.76 | 217.5 15.38 10.2 |
- Title: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
- Year: 2019
- Director: CĂ©line Sciamma
- Cinematographer: Claire Mathon
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Portrait of a Lady on Fire.