Color Palette of Fight Club (1999), filmed by Jeff Cronenweth.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#C9C892 | 201 200 146 | 58.91 27.36 78.82 | 58.91 33.74 68.04 | |
#9C965C | 156 150 92 | 54.38 41.03 61.18 | 54.38 25.81 48.63 | |
#737864 | 115 120 100 | 75 16.67 47.06 | 75 9.09 43.14 | |
#685F36 | 104 95 54 | 49.2 48.08 40.78 | 49.2 31.65 30.98 | |
#3F380A | 63 56 10 | 52.08 84.13 24.71 | 52.08 72.6 14.31 | |
#262418 | 38 36 24 | 51.43 36.84 14.9 | 51.43 22.58 12.16 | |
#474B3C | 71 75 60 | 76 20 29.41 | 76 11.11 26.47 | |
#070007 | 7 0 7 | 300 100 2.75 | 300 100 1.37 |
- Title: Fight Club
- Year: 1999
- Director: David Fincher
- Cinematographer: Jeff Cronenweth
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Fight Club.